Security incident/data breach notification form

Background information; report security incidents and suspected data leaks
VANAD Engage is committed to the careful handling, availability and integrity of information. Our policy is aimed at having appropriate technological and organisational measures in place at all times to ensure the reliability of information systems and information.
However, a situation may arise in which there exists (a suspicion of) a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorised disclosure of or access to data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
The security incident may even fall under the “data breach” category. In that case, we (possibly in consultation with our clients) have an obligation to report. This obligation to report means that an organisation, as the Controller, must immediately notify the Data Protection Authority as soon as a serious data breach has occurred. In certain cases, the data breach must also be reported to the data subjects (the people whose personal data has been leaked).
We highly appreciate a notification of a security incident (including a possible data breach). This notification form is intended for business contacts, customers, employees, suppliers and other third parties to report a security incident or suspected data breach involving data processed by or on behalf of VANAD Engage. If needed, we will implement the required corrective measures (including the assessment of whether it concerns a data breach and whether we are required to report it) based on the information you provide. You will of course receive feedback from us regarding your notification.
After submitting the notification you will receive a confirmation from the Security Incident Manager